Courage is fire, and bullying is a smoke. – Benjamin Disraeli
The Association of Humble and Obedient Youths (AHOY Flagship), as a non-governmental organization duly registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission under the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria operates as an independent entity committed to humanitarian objectives aligned with global standards of positive outlooks in all ramifications, is compelled to address a press release issued by the National Association of Seadogs on May 27, 2024, titled “[PRESS RELEASE] National Association of Seadogs Disclaims any Affiliation with Impostor Group.”
Upon thorough review of the misleading and defamatory contents of the aforesaid press release, which was maliciously published to undermine our reputation, independence, and distinctiveness, we, the Association of Humble and Obedient Youths (the AHOY), forthwith react accordingly;.
1. For the sake of comprehension, emphasis and public notice, it will serve good purpose to reiterate in very clear terms that AHOY is not affiliated with NAS, nor are we in any way connected to its activities. We are traditional “pyrates”, a term which originated as far back as the 13th century. Influential works like “Treasure Island,” “Captain Blood,” and “Pirates of the Caribbean” have vividly portrayed pirate life, inspiring the founders of our organization to promote social change. According to Section 40 of the CFRN 1999, we have the fundamental right to freedom of association, which cannot be curtailed by any individual or institution, as long as we act within the bounds of the law.
2. The series of allegations made by NAS alluded to a purported video seen by them, but they have however deliberately and mischievously failed to publish the said video to enable us address it headlong. As a matter of fact, the AHOY does not have any published video available in the public space and we are unaware of the purported video reacted to by NAS. We are therefore compelled to respond appropriately to all these allegations, particularly IDENTITY THEFT incoherently and shamefully raised by NAS which comes with a very serious criminal liability.
3. First, on the issue of IDENTITY THEFT, Section 22 of the Cybercrimes (Prohibition, Prevention, Etc.) Act, 2015 defined identity theft as impersonating another person to gain advantage for one’s self, or to obtain any property or an interest in any property, or to cause disadvantage to another entity or person or being. We have painstakingly reviewed this provision of the law, together with our actions in recent time, and we can categorically state that we have not in anyway stolen any person’s or association’s identity. Our CAC documents is very apt on this, as none of our document shows that any of the NAS founding fathers are members of our trustees, neither did we use their names to solicit for funds or gain undue advantage from the public. As the saying goes; RES IPSA LOQUITUR.
4. Additionally, it is pivotal to note that the Association of Humble and Obedient Youths (AHOY) having been duly registered under the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is in all respect totally distinct and different from the National Association of Seadogs (NAS) in law and in deed. For further clarification, please refer to our press release of August 8, 2022, where we made a public disclaimer, and informed the public that our association is a non-political association, distinct from NAS, and therefore not a part of the “EMILOKAN VIDEO SAGA” which went viral during the electioneering period of 2023. The said video was made to mock the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and thus put our noble members at security risk. https://theahoy.org/press-release-ahoy-distance-itself-from-emilokan-viral-video/
5. To further educate NAS on what identity theft means. The United States Department of Justice in defining identity theft, stated that; “identity theft and identity fraud are terms used to refer to all types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person’s personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception, typically for economic gain”. The AHOY has never engaged itself in any criminal conduct, neither has it used any person’s or institution’s name to deceive the public for economic gain.
6. NAS must therefore be hallucinating, or its principal officers suffering from learning disability, to purportedly put forward the allegation of identity theft, when it is clear that, we are not part and parcel of their association with their conventions that has now become “MORIBUND”. There is also no evidence to suggest that we either aim to emulate or become part of your association in any manner. We take pride in our identity, our mission, and our accomplishments as a reputable organization committed to combating oppression and promoting social justice.
7. Your press release exhibits sheer arrogance, blatant bullying, and a fundamental misplacement of the term “identity theft.” We advise the authors and signatories of your poorly crafted piece to consult the relevant Nigerian laws and precedents on this issue. With the guidance of a competent legal adviser, they should seek to comprehend the true meaning of identity theft.
8. The AHOY, which was duly registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission on August 2, 2021, with registration number – 162451 is an organisation which clamours for social justice, equity, and fairness. Our giant strides and tremendous achievements in the last three years have earned our noble association various distinguished awards from many government agencies, parastatals and departments as a result of our service to humanity. Evidence of these can be found on our website www.theahoy.org
9. For the avoidance of doubt, the AHOY is not a political movement, neither are we sponsored by any politician, and is not affiliated to any political party. Our press release dated August 8, 2022 (https://theahoy.org/press-release-ahoy-distance-itself-from-emilokan-viral-video/), speaks volume on this. Thus, your assertion in your press release that AHOY is a political group deliberately set up to undermine your association is not only misguided, but also fallacious in nature, and can only exist in fiction. Our men are noble men, who have identified the ills militating against the attainment of a just society, and are fully committed to combating those ills via our social and humanitarian services to our immediate society. Our membership is global, as we have members in the United Kingdom, the EU, the United States, Canada, South Africa etc. Our members are not hungry, we are patriotic like-minds and professionals who have come together under the umbrella of AHOY.
10. Your disclaimer went so far as to list the names of our trustees, men of reputable character, none of whom have ever been associated with your organization in any capacity, whether as trustees or council members. Similarly, none of the founders of your organization appear among our trustees. This should put to rest any unfounded allegations of our attempt to steal your identity, imitate, align with, or be a part of your organization.
We have taken cognisance of all the defamatory remarks made against our association, and our trustees in your unintelligently and poorly written press release dated May 27, 2024 and titled; National Association of Seadogs Disclaims any Affiliation with Impostor Group. We have also considered the implications of these statements in law, and we categorically state that they are blatantly defamatory. Howbeit, because we are humble and obedient youths, as our name rightly suggests, we shall not be dragging your obsolete association to court on this issue, as we have elected to prioritize our objective of service to humanity, that being our primary assignment, rather than get swayed by needless distractions. INSTRUCTIVELY, we advise that you LET WISE COUNSEL PREVAIL by retracting those unguarded and uncharitable remarks forthwith as a repeat of such defamatory remarks would attract dire legal consequences.
Again, we have thoroughly reflected on the likely reason you abruptly raised the issue of IDENTITY THEFT as well as other infractions, and we can confirm that this as a deliberate act of fabricating criminal element into our legitimate conduct and existence as an association under the regulatory laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, so as to maliciously incite the security agencies, particularly the Nigerian Police against us. It is nonetheless laughable that this your old fashioned EGBON AGBAYA style of bullying similar associations in the past, is dead on arrival as it relates to AHOY, as any attempt to bully us out of existence, or to breach our fundamental right to freely associate as enshrined in Chapter IV of the CFRN 1999, will be strongly rebuffed, with every legal apparatus available at our disposal. We trust and believe in the Nigerian Police and know that they will never do your malicious bidding, and will do justice at all times.
We urge all readers of your press release to exercise caution and seek a thorough understanding of the information presented. Anyone found spreading misinformation or acting under such misguidance and obtuse misinformation will face the full wrath of the law.
A quarter word is sufficient!
Fashola Oladapo,
Association of Humble And Obedient Youths.
Forever Sailing ⛵️.
The Falapas, CB inclusive, masquerading as Adult lobbers have bitten more than they can chew. I am happy Ahoy is confronting them headlong.
So, this association of youths, would they change their name when they grow old?
You can’t carve yours, you have to copy everything from color to maxims, frustrated lagas, my you burn like the fire burn
It is unfortunate that you guys refuse to acknowledge the ship from whence you sailed from. Denying or engaging in selective amnesia is not the best. Your ‘obsolete’ ship once carried you and when you realise it can no longer serve you purpose, you left…good! But don’t deny it. You are no longer with it does not mean you were never with it.
What a shame! CopyCat, your founders are dual idiots