The Jolly Rogers Dawgs of this noble ship, are pleased to carry out a project that is tailored to bring succour and happiness to the patients of Adeoyo Maternity Teaching Hospital, Yemetu. All pallies were medically assessed to ensure eligibility for blood donation, and we all generously contributed our pints of blood.
In addition to the blood donations, we covered the bills of three patients, facilitating their discharge from the hospital. Furthermore, we provided financial support to five underprivileged patients from the maternity, general, and children’s wards by donating thirty thousand naira to each, assisting them with their medical expenses.
We are happy by the gratitude shown from the hospital staff and appreciate the provision of blood tonics and malt drinks to help restore our strength after the donations.
As always, we remain committed to the noble cause of humanitarian service and always ready to offer further assistance in the future for such ideals.
We shall always put our best foot forward in executing humanistic-inclined projects always.
Ahoy Flagship forever…